B.C. Stunt Community - Here’s another reminder for our upcoming stunt community meeting ....

Nov. 19th @ 1930-2100 (7:30PM-9 PM) at St. Patrick’s Hall - 2881 Main Street Vancouver B.C.

B.C. Stunt Community:

Hi everyone,

Here’s another reminder for our upcoming stunt community meeting:

Nov. 19th @ 1930-2100 (7:30PM-9 PM) at St. Patrick’s Hall - 2881 Main Street Vancouver B.C.

The Stunt Committee has been quietly working away on what we hope are in the best interests of our community. We are pleased to announce we have some new education plans in place, and more in development. We are also excited about the discovery of a great new medical facility where we can be treated in the same manner as professional and/or ‘industrial athletes’ would be treated.

We strongly encourage everyone that is not working on this evening to make an effort to join us. It matters not if you are new to the business and have just discovered the function of elbow pads or if you are a cantankerous old veteran with 40 years of experience, 10 concussions and 50 cannon rolls under your belt.  We need the support of each other.

This is a great time and opportunity for members to have their voices heard in a respectful and safe environment. This is a great time to come and learn a thing or two.  These meetings are important to help us build solidarity as a group.

That being said, it’s easy to forget faces as it is rare we get the opportunity to work together in large groups to build relationships. These events are great ‘meet and greets’ as well as constructive for the development of professional growth in our chosen career path.

Best Regards,

Mike Carpenter

Stunt Committee Member